
mate-program — Initialize and retrieve information about a MATE application.


#include <libmate/libmate.h>

enum                MateFileDomain;
struct              MateProgram;
struct              MateModuleInfo;
struct              MateModuleRequirement;
void                (*MateModuleInitHook)              (const MateModuleInfo *mod_info);
void                (*MateModuleClassInitHook)         (MateProgramClass *klass,
                                                         const MateModuleInfo *mod_info);
void                (*MateModuleHook)                  (MateProgram *program,
                                                         MateModuleInfo *mod_info);
MateProgram *      mate_program_init                  (const char *app_id,
                                                         const char *app_version,
                                                         const MateModuleInfo *module_info,
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
MateProgram *      mate_program_initv                 (GType type,
                                                         const char *app_id,
                                                         const char *app_version,
                                                         const MateModuleInfo *module_info,
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
                                                         va_list args);

MateProgram *      mate_program_get                   (void);
const char *        mate_program_get_human_readable_name
                                                        (MateProgram *program);
const char *        mate_program_get_app_id            (MateProgram *program);
const char *        mate_program_get_app_version       (MateProgram *program);
gchar *             mate_program_locate_file           (MateProgram *program,
                                                         MateFileDomain domain,
                                                         const gchar *file_name,
                                                         gboolean only_if_exists,
                                                         GSList **ret_locations);

void                mate_program_module_register       (const MateModuleInfo *module_info);
gboolean            mate_program_module_registered     (const MateModuleInfo *module_info);
const MateModuleInfo * mate_program_module_load       (const char *mod_name);
guint               mate_program_install_property      (MateProgramClass *pclass,
                                                         GObjectGetPropertyFunc get_fn,
                                                         GObjectSetPropertyFunc set_fn,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec);
poptContext         mate_program_preinit               (MateProgram *program,
                                                         const char *app_id,
                                                         const char *app_version,
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv);
void                mate_program_parse_args            (MateProgram *program);
void                mate_program_postinit              (MateProgram *program);

#define             MATE_PARAM_POPT_TABLE
#define             MATE_PARAM_POPT_FLAGS
#define             MATE_PARAM_POPT_CONTEXT
#define             MATE_PARAM_GOPTION_CONTEXT
#define             MATE_PARAM_ENABLE_SOUND
#define             MATE_PARAM_ESPEAKER
#define             MATE_PARAM_APP_ID
#define             MATE_PARAM_APP_VERSION
#define             MATE_PARAM_MATE_PREFIX
#define             MATE_PARAM_MATE_SYSCONFDIR
#define             MATE_PARAM_MATE_DATADIR
#define             MATE_PARAM_MATE_LIBDIR
#define             MATE_PARAM_APP_PREFIX
#define             MATE_PARAM_APP_SYSCONFDIR
#define             MATE_PARAM_APP_DATADIR
#define             MATE_PARAM_APP_LIBDIR
#define             MATE_PARAM_MATE_PATH
#define             MATE_PARAM_NONE



enum MateFileDomain

typedef enum {

    /* Mate installed files */

    /* Application files */
} MateFileDomain;

Many of the files that a MATE application needs to access will be installed in standard locations. For example, MATE help files will be in one location, while help files specific to the current application might be in another location.

The different types of files are given in this enum. User applications make use of the MATE_FILE_DOMAIN_APP_* types, which specify locations relative to MATE_PARAM_APP_DATADIR.


An unknown file domain (should never be used).


Libraries in the main MATE installation.


Data files in the main MATE installation.


Sound files in the main MATE installation.


Pixmap files in the main MATE installation.


Config files in the main MATE installation.


Help files in the main MATE installation.


Application specific libraries.


Application specific data files.


Application specific sound files.


Application specific pixmap files.


Application specific config files.


Application specific help files.

struct MateProgram

struct MateProgram {
    GObject object;

    MateProgramPrivate *_priv;

A structure containing information about the current application. Initialised during a call to mate_program_init().

GObject object;

A GObject containing the parameters and their values which were set dring initialisation.

MateProgramPrivate *_priv;

Private data about the program instance.

struct MateModuleInfo

struct MateModuleInfo {
    const char *name;
    const char *version;
    const char *description;
    MateModuleRequirement *requirements; /* last element has NULL version */

    MateModuleHook instance_init;
    MateModuleHook pre_args_parse, post_args_parse;

    void *_options;
    struct poptOption *options;

    MateModuleInitHook init_pass;

    MateModuleClassInitHook class_init;

    const char *opt_prefix;
    MateModuleGetGOptionGroupFunc get_goption_group_func;

A structure containing information about a module. This contains descriptive information about the module, as well as how to initialise it and what its dependencies are (chained via the requirements parameter).

const char *name;

The module name.

const char *version;

The module's version string.

const char *description;

A string describing the module (can be NULL).

MateModuleRequirement *requirements;

A pointer to an array of modules that are required by this module. The last module in the array should have its required_version field set to NULL.

MateModuleHook instance_init;

A function to call to initialise an instance of this module (can be NULL).

MateModuleHook pre_args_parse;

A function to call before parsing the arguments for this module (can be NULL).

MateModuleHook post_args_parse;

A function to call after parsing the arguments for this module (can be NULL).

void *_options;

struct poptOption *options;

MateModuleInitHook init_pass;

MateModuleClassInitHook class_init;

A function to call to initialise this module prior to creating any instances (can be NULL).

const char *opt_prefix;


MateModuleGetGOptionGroupFunc get_goption_group_func;

A function which must return a non-NULL GOptionGroup, which will be added to the MateProgram s GOptionContext during #mate_program_init().

struct MateModuleRequirement

struct MateModuleRequirement {
    const char *required_version;
    const MateModuleInfo *module_info;

A structure which allows a module to specify the minimum required versions of modules it depends upon.

const char *required_version;

The version required by the parent module.

const MateModuleInfo *module_info;

A MateModuleInfo structure detailing the required module.

MateModuleInitHook ()

void                (*MateModuleInitHook)              (const MateModuleInfo *mod_info);

A function that will be called to allow a module to do any pre-initialisation it might need to do prior to having arguments parsed by the controlling parent module (the parent will do the argument parsing for all modules in the hierarchy).

mod_info :

The current module.

MateModuleClassInitHook ()

void                (*MateModuleClassInitHook)         (MateProgramClass *klass,
                                                         const MateModuleInfo *mod_info);

A function called to perform any class specific setup that is required by each module.

klass :

The class of the parent module (which could be this module's class). This will usually be MateProgramClass.

mod_info :

The current module.

MateModuleHook ()

void                (*MateModuleHook)                  (MateProgram *program,
                                                         MateModuleInfo *mod_info);

A function that is called to perform some intialisation in a module (which could be either the main init function or the pre or post argument parsing phase).

program :

The MateProgram instance which is being initialised.

mod_info :

The current module's MateModuleInfo structure.

mate_program_init ()

MateProgram *      mate_program_init                  (const char *app_id,
                                                         const char *app_version,
                                                         const MateModuleInfo *module_info,
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,

Initialises the current MATE libraries for use by the application. app_id is used for the following purposes: - to find the programme's help files by mate_help_*() - to load the app-specific gtkrc file from ~/.mate2/$(APPID)rc - to load/save the app's accelerators map from ~/.mate2/accelerators/$(APPID) - to load/save a MateEntry's history from mateconf/apps/mate-settings/$(APPID)/history-$(ENTRYID)

Every MATE application will need to call this function (or mate_program_initv()) early in its lifetime to initialize the various MATE libraries in a consistent fashion. This function is very flexible in allowing the user to specify which modules should be initialised and any special paramter values that should be passed to these modules (along with processing commandline options).

It loads the specified module_info, which is normally LIBMATE_MODULE or LIBMATEUI_MODULE and pulls in all the dependencies. Programs that are not running in setuid or setgid mode will also load modules specified in the --load-modules and also in the MATE_MODULES environment variable.

The following example shows how one might initialise a typical program using a goption table that is defined elsewhere.

Example 1. Initializing a MATE application (deprecated, using popt)

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    MateProgram *my_app;
    GOptionContext *option_context;
    /* We assume PACKAGE and VERSION are set to the program name and version
     * number respectively. Also, assume that 'options' is a global array of
     * poptOptions.
    option_context = g_option_context_new (PACKAGE);
    g_option_context_add_main_entries (option_context, options, NULL);
    my_app = mate_program_init(PACKAGE, VERSION, LIBMATEUI_MODULE,
                                argc, argv,
                    MATE_PARAM_GOPTION_CONTEXT, option_context,
    /* Now process any extra args, etc ... */

Even though many applications still use popt for command-line option parsing, it has been deprecated in Mate-2.14 and its use is discouraged for newly-written code. MATE applications should aim to use the new GOption API. Here an example that shows how one might initialize a typical program using a GOptionEntry table (see the GLib documentation for a more elaborate example of an option entry table):

Example 2. Initializing a MATE application (new, using GOption)

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    gchar **remaining_args = NULL;
    GOptionEntry option_entries[] = {
        /* ... your application's command line options go here ... */
        /* last but not least a special option that collects filenames */
          "Special option that collects any remaining arguments for us" },
        { NULL }
    GOptionContext *option_context;
    MateProgram *my_app;
    option_context = g_option_context_new ("my-app");
    /* if you are using any libraries that have command line options
     * of their own and provide a GOptionGroup with them, you can
     * add them here as well using g_option_context_add_group()
    /* now add our own application's command-line options. If you
     * are using gettext for translations, you should be using
     * GETTEXT_PACKAGE here instead of NULL
    g_option_context_add_main_entries (option_context, option_entries, NULL);
    /* We assume PACKAGE and VERSION are set to the program name and version
     * number respectively. Also, assume that 'option_entries' is a global
     * array of GOptionEntry structures.
    my_app = mate_program_init(PACKAGE, VERSION,
                                LIBMATEUI_MODULE, argc, argv,
                                MATE_PARAM_GOPTION_CONTEXT, option_context,
    /* parse remaining command-line arguments that are not
     * options (e.g. filenames or URIs or whatever), if any
    if (remaining_args != NULL) {
        gint i, num_args;
        num_args = g_strv_length (remaining_args);
        for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
            /* process remaining_args[i] here */
        g_strfreev (remaining_args);
        remaining_args = NULL;

app_id :

Application ID string.

app_version :

Application version string.

module_info :

The module to init with this program.

argc :

The number of commmand line arguments contained in argv.

argv :

A string array of command line arguments.

first_property_name :

The first item in a NULL-terminated list of attribute name and value pairs (so this will be an attribute name or NULL).

... :

The continuation of a NULL-terminated list of attribute name/value pairs.

Returns :

A new MateProgram instance representing the current application. Unref the returned reference right before exiting your application.

mate_program_initv ()

MateProgram *      mate_program_initv                 (GType type,
                                                         const char *app_id,
                                                         const char *app_version,
                                                         const MateModuleInfo *module_info,
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
                                                         va_list args);

Provides a non-varargs form of mate_program_init(). Users will rarely need to call this function directly.

type :

The type of application to be initialized (usually MATE_TYPE_PROGRAM).

app_id :

Application ID string.

app_version :

Application version string.

module_info :

The modules to init with the application.

argc :

The number of command line arguments contained in argv.

argv :

A string array of command line arguments.

first_property_name :

The first item in a NULL-terminated list of attribute name/value.

args :

The remaining elements in the NULL terminated list (of which first_property_name is the first element).

Returns :

A MateProgram instance representing the current application.

mate_program_get ()

MateProgram *      mate_program_get                   (void);

Retrieves an object that stored information about the application's state. Other functions assume this will always return a MateProgram object which (if not NULL) has already been initialized.

Returns :

The application's MateProgram instance, or NULL if it does not exist.

mate_program_get_human_readable_name ()

const char *        mate_program_get_human_readable_name
                                                        (MateProgram *program);

This function returns a pointer to a static string that the application has provided as a human readable name. The app should provide the name with the MATE_PARAM_HUMAN_READABLE_NAME init argument. Returns NULL if no name was set.

program :

The application object

Returns :

Application human-readable name string.

mate_program_get_app_id ()

const char *        mate_program_get_app_id            (MateProgram *program);

This function returns a pointer to a static string that the application has provided as an identifier. This is not meant as a human-readable identifier so much as a unique identifier for programs and libraries.

program :

The program object

Returns :

Application ID string.

mate_program_get_app_version ()

const char *        mate_program_get_app_version       (MateProgram *program);

This function returns a pointer to a static string that the application has provided as a version number. This is not meant as a human-readable identifier so much as a unique identifier for programs and libraries.

program :

The application object

Returns :

Application version string.

mate_program_locate_file ()

gchar *             mate_program_locate_file           (MateProgram *program,
                                                         MateFileDomain domain,
                                                         const gchar *file_name,
                                                         gboolean only_if_exists,
                                                         GSList **ret_locations);

This function finds a full path to the file_name located in the specified "domain". A domain is a name for a collection of related files. For example, common domains are "libdir", "pixmap", and "config".

If ret_locations is NULL, only one pathname is returned. Otherwise, alternative paths are returned in ret_locations.

User applications should store files in the MATE_FILE_DOMAIN_APP_* domains. However you MUST set the correct attributes for MateProgram for the APP specific prefixes (during the initialization part of the application).

The ret_locations list and its contents should be freed by the caller, as should the returned string.

program :

A valid MateProgram object or NULL (in which case the current application is used).

domain :

A MateFileDomain.

file_name :

A file name or path inside the 'domain' to find.

only_if_exists :

Only return a full pathname if the specified file actually exists

ret_locations :

If this is not NULL, a list of all the possible locations of the file will be returned.

Returns :

The full path to the file (if it exists or only_if_exists is FALSE) or NULL.

mate_program_module_register ()

void                mate_program_module_register       (const MateModuleInfo *module_info);

This function is used to register a module to be initialized by the MATE library framework. The memory pointed to by module_info must be valid during the whole application initialization process, and the module described by module_info must only use the module_info pointer to register itself.

module_info :

A pointer to a MateModuleInfo structure describing the module to be initialized

mate_program_module_registered ()

gboolean            mate_program_module_registered     (const MateModuleInfo *module_info);

This method checks to see whether a specific module has been initialized in the specified program.

module_info :

A pointer to a MateModuleInfo structure describing the module to be queried

Returns :

A value indicating whether the specified module has been registered/initialized in the current program

mate_program_module_load ()

const MateModuleInfo * mate_program_module_load       (const char *mod_name);

Loads a shared library that contains a MateModuleInfo dynamic_module_info structure.

mod_name :

module name

Returns :

The MateModuleInfo structure that was loaded, or NULL if the module could not be loaded.

mate_program_install_property ()

guint               mate_program_install_property      (MateProgramClass *pclass,
                                                         GObjectGetPropertyFunc get_fn,
                                                         GObjectSetPropertyFunc set_fn,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec);

Install a collection of available properties, their default values and the functions to set and retrieve these properties.

Normal applications will never need to call this function, it is mostly for use by other platform library authors.

pclass :

A MateProgramClass.

get_fn :

A function to get property values.

set_fn :

A function to set property values.

pspec :

A collection of properties.

Returns :

The number of properties installed.

mate_program_preinit ()

poptContext         mate_program_preinit               (MateProgram *program,
                                                         const char *app_id,
                                                         const char *app_version,
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv);


mate_program_preinit has been deprecated since version 2.18 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use mate_program_init() instead.

This function performs the portion of application initialization that needs to be done prior to command line argument parsing. The poptContext returned can be used for getopt()-style option processing.

program :

Application object

app_id :

application ID string

app_version :

application version string

argc :

The number of commmand line arguments contained in 'argv'

argv :

A string array of command line arguments

Returns :

A poptContext representing the argument parsing state, or NULL if using GOption argument parsing.

mate_program_parse_args ()

void                mate_program_parse_args            (MateProgram *program);


mate_program_parse_args has been deprecated since version 2.18 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use mate_program_init() instead.

Parses the command line arguments for the application

program :

Application object

mate_program_postinit ()

void                mate_program_postinit              (MateProgram *program);


mate_program_postinit has been deprecated since version 2.18 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use mate_program_init() instead.

Called after mate_program_parse_args(), this function takes care of post-parse initialization and cleanup

program :

Application object


#define MATE_PARAM_POPT_TABLE          "popt-table"


MATE_PARAM_POPT_TABLE is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 2.14. Use GOption argument parsing instead, with MATE_PARAM_GOPTION_CONTEXT.

This parameter contains the table of options to be passed to popt (write on init only). Mutually exclusive with using MATE_PARAM_GOPTION_CONTEXT parameter.


#define MATE_PARAM_POPT_FLAGS          "popt-flags"


MATE_PARAM_POPT_FLAGS is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 2.14. Use GOption argument parsing instead.

This parameter contains the flags to use for popt (write on init only).


#define MATE_PARAM_POPT_CONTEXT        "popt-context"


MATE_PARAM_POPT_CONTEXT is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 2.14. Use GOption argument parsing instead.

This parameter contains the context pointer that MateProgram is using for popt parsing (readable).


#define MATE_PARAM_GOPTION_CONTEXT     "goption-context"

This parameter contains the GOptionContext pointer that MateProgram is using for GOption parsing (write on init only). The MateProgram will assume ownership of the passed GOptionContext. Mutually exclusive with using the MATE_PARAM_POPT_TABLE parameter.

Since 2.14


#define MATE_PARAM_CREATE_DIRECTORIES  "create-directories"

This parameter contains TRUE if the standard MATE directories should be created on startup.


#define MATE_PARAM_ENABLE_SOUND        "enable-sound"

This parameter determines whether or not to enable sound on startup.


#define MATE_PARAM_ESPEAKER            "espeaker"

This parameter describes how to connect to esd.


#define MATE_PARAM_APP_ID              "app-id"

This parameter contains the ID string to use for the application (readable).


#define MATE_PARAM_APP_VERSION         "app-version"

This parameter contains the application version (readable).


#define MATE_PARAM_MATE_PREFIX        "mate-prefix"

This parameter contains the prefix where the main MATE system is installed (readable, writable on init only).


#define MATE_PARAM_MATE_SYSCONFDIR    "mate-sysconfdir"

This parameter contains the prefix where the MATE configuration files are installed (readable, writable on init only).


#define MATE_PARAM_MATE_DATADIR       "mate-datadir"

This parameter contains the prefix where the MATE data files are installed (readable, writable on init only).


#define MATE_PARAM_MATE_LIBDIR        "mate-libdir"

This parameter contains the prefix where the MATE library files are installed (readable, writable on init only).


#define MATE_PARAM_APP_PREFIX          "app-prefix"

This parameter contains the prefix where this application was installed (read / write).


#define MATE_PARAM_APP_SYSCONFDIR      "app-sysconfdir"

This parameter contains the prefix where this application's configuration files are installed (read / write).


#define MATE_PARAM_APP_DATADIR         "app-datadir"

This parameter contains the prefix where this application's data files are installed (read / write).


#define MATE_PARAM_APP_LIBDIR          "app-libdir"

This parameter contains the prefix where this application's library files are installed (read / write).


#define MATE_PARAM_HUMAN_READABLE_NAME "human-readable-name"

This parameter contains the human readable name of the application (readable).


#define MATE_PARAM_MATE_PATH          "mate-path"

This parameter contains the path in which to look for installed files (taken from the MATE2_PATH environment variable).


#define MATE_PARAM_NONE                NULL

Used to terminate a list of parameters and their values.



When PREFIX, SYSCONFDIR, DATADIR and LIBDIR are defined during the build process, this macro can be used to assign these values to MATE_PARAM_APP_PREFIX, MATE_PARAM_APP_SYSCONFDIR, MATE_PARAM_APP_DATADIR and MATE_PARAM_APP_LIBDIR respectively so that the MATE libraries automatically know where to fetch application specific data from.

Every respectable MATE application should set these variables and use MATE_PROGRAM_STANDARD_PROPERTIES in the call to mate_program_init().